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Extended Learning

In the event of school closures, it is impossible to re-create what happens on-site during a regular school day in the home setting. Students cannot be expected to follow their normal school schedule and will not be expected to complete 8 hours of schooling each day. Therefore, the district staff is working on a plan for Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI) that will effectively bring learning to your homes in the event of a school closure. Extended Learning will allow students to remain engaged in learning activities at a time that is convenient for Princeton students and families while allowing families to focus on staying healthy and safe. 

While our buildings are closed, our schools are still open.

What Does Instruction Look Like for Students During Closure?

Both buildings in the district have been working in collaboration in order to create an extended learning plan that is consistent but effective for students at all grade levels. Any questions about the district's Extended Learning plan can be directed to the building principals via phone or email. The links below describe each building's plan and provides students with easy access to widely used online tools.

Extended Closures

Below are links to district pages that directly reflect the need for extended school closures. These pages will contain up-to-date information from local, state, and federal entities that help make the decision for an extended school closure. 

Additional Resources

Below are links to videos from Tiger staff, additional online activities for students during an extended closure, and a link to our staff directory.

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