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Federal Programs

Wes Guilkey

Federal Programs Coordinator 

1008 E. Coleman St. 

Princeton, MO 64673

Phone: (660) 748-3211 ext. 230

Fax: (660) 748-3334




Heather Hall

Foster Care Liaison 

1008 E. Coleman St.

Princeton, MO 64673

Phone: (660) 748-3211 ext. 222

Fax: (660) 748-4018



Lonny Lovett

Director of Transportation  

1008 E. Coleman St.

Princeton, MO 64673

Phone: (660) 748-3211 ext. 293

Fax: (660) 748-4018




Dr. Merideth Ussery

Special Education Director 

1008 E. Coleman St.

Princeton, MO 64673

Phone: (660) 748-3211 ext. 226

Fax: (660) 748-4018



Points of Contact

On December 10, 2015, President Obama signed the bipartisan Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which reauthorizes the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA). The ESSA builds upon the critical work States and local educational agencies (LEAs) have implemented over the last few years. The reauthorized law sets high standards and contains policies that will help prepare all students for success in college and future careers. It prioritizes excellence and equity and recognizes the importance of supporting great educators in our nation's schools. 


Schools receiving federal funds are responsible for creating a plan to improve basic programs, ensure migratory children are being effectively educated, meet the needs of neglected/delinquent/at-risk students, support effective instruction, support English Language Learners, provide student support and academic enrichment, enrich 21st Century learning, support rural and low-income school programs, and ensure homeless children and youth are provided educational opportunities. 


The Princeton R-V School District supports and strives to meet the requirements of ESSA. 


Every Student Succeeds Act

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The Princeton R-V School District complies with all federal and state laws prohibiting discrimination, including Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1974 and the American Disabilities Act (ADA). It is the policy of the school district that no person, on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or handicap, shall be discriminated against in employment, educational programs, and activities or admissions. Inquiries or complaints concerning the Princeton R-V School District’s compliance with the regulations implementing Title II, Title VI, Title IX, Section 504 or the American Disabilities Act (ADA) may be directed to the Superintendent's Office, Princeton R-V School District, 1008 East Coleman, Princeton Mo, 64673 or by calling 660-748-3211.

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