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Elementary Extended Learning

In the event of an extended school closure, the elementary will follow a Four Core plan. This plan will ensure students continue to receive instruction in the four core academic areas: math, English language arts, science, and social studies. Below is a breakdown of what to expect during each week of an extended school closure. Please contact the elementary office with any further questions or to arrange for work to be picked up or dropped off.


All assignments for the week in all four core areas will be given to the student by 10:00 a.m. Teachers may use Google Classroom, Seesaw, email, or other methods to send assignments. Please contact the classroom teacher with any questions or concerns. Teachers may provide brief instruction and will begin making phone calls for the week to students.





Students will use these days to work on and submit their four assignments for the week. Teachers will have virtual office hours scheduled to help guide students on any assignments. Teachers may also invite students to participate in classroom video discussions and will continue to contact students throughout the week to see what support is needed. Students and parents can always email the classroom teacher with any questions. 

All assignments are due back to the teacher by Friday at 3:00 p.m. Teachers will communicate with students and parents how assignments should be submitted. Please do not hesitate to call or email classroom teachers with questions.

Links to Popular Classroom Resources

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Tips for Successfully Managing Extended Learning at Home

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